What's on?



2025   More details will be added as they become available.




1 Feb             Allotment Shed Shop Opens


26 Feb          Kate Turnbull on setting up a community garden (Wickham).


26 March     Speaker event - James Grieg from Stem and Green flower farm, growing sustainable and seasonal English flowers


23 April      Speaker event - Dylan Gussman, local beekeeper, talking on the life of bees.


10 May        Plant sale at The Shed (One day only), probably 10.00 -16.00


28 May       Speaker event - Stephen Oakes on birds in your garden.


25 June       Speaker event -John Baker on “delightful dahlias”. 


26 July         Annual open show


? August     Barbecue


? Sept          Courgette and Sunflower competition


24 Sept       Speaker event and members' show


? Sept           St Peter's Church Fair - come and see our BWGC stand


? October   Annual social


26 Nov       Speaker event